As Apple fanboys across South Africa, attempt to hide there ever increasing bulge in their ever tightening pants and setting their alarm clocks an hour earlier  (cos I doubt very much that even the most loyal fan boy is willing to fight a hobo for his sleeping spot, just to get an I-phone). The Geekgasm is about to climax.

Yes boys and I very much doubt girls, Vodacom will be releasing Apple’s I-phone tomorrow. Yes, stores across South Africa will be packed to the brim with geeks and trendy Indy types, sporting the most stylish of brown loafers and daddy’s credit card. Hoping to get their little hairy palmed hands onto the I-phone.

I to was interested in seeing what this I-phone could do. I even thought, hey lets be proactive for once and Email vodacom asking them to send me a I-phone when the release date comes closer. Hell, I even ambushed the provincial head of Vodacom for the Eastern Cape, while at the Weekend Post Matric of the year. Begging him to send me one so that I could review it.  I went as far as emailing the head of Vodacom’s communications begging to be assigned a I-phone. Well I didn’t get one to review.

So who knows what the I-phone will bring?

According to IAFRICA, from the MYADSL Forums, the I-phone will be available on Pre-paid and contract packages ( no surprise there)

What is a surprise, according to IAFRICA, is what the I-phone will sell for.

According to the site, the I-phone in America costs approximately $199 for the 8 gig model and $299 for the 16 gig model.

Thus at the current exchange rate, that should sell for about R1,616 for the 8 gig model and R2,425 for the 16 gig model.

However IAfrica states that the prepaid I-phone will be selling for… wait for it…  R 7999.00 for the 8 GB version and R 9799.00 for the 16 GB version.

Contract consumers can expect to pay in anything between R 1500.00 and R 2000.00 for their iPhone when taking lower end contracts.

Thus the only people we will see with I-phones will be spoilt rich ponces, criminals and politicians. Not that these are mutually exclusive.

It goes with out saying that Vodacom is making a pretty penny from the craze that has been whipped up around the world and South Africa.

However this is still open to speculation, and if I am proved wrong I will write a retraction. But if I am proved right, the games have just begun.

Only tomorrow will tell. Lets wait and see.